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3 Signs of Depression in a Friend

Person thinking about the signs of depression in a friend

In our vibrant Denver community and beyond, friends, family members, and colleagues enrich our lives daily. However, amidst these connections, some individuals may be silently struggling with depression. Recognizing the signs of depression in a friend is the first step toward offering support and guiding them toward the help they need. At Northpoint Denver, we’re committed to providing compassionate and professional care for those facing mental health challenges, including depression. Contact our team online or call 888.315.3998 to learn how to spot symptoms of depression and more about our depression treatment program in Colorado.

Understanding Depression

Depression is more than just feeling sad or going through a rough patch—it’s a severe mental health condition that affects how a person feels, thinks, and handles daily activities. It’s important to know that depression can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background.

Recognizing the signs and seeking professional help can make a significant difference in managing and overcoming this condition. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are essential steps toward recovery. Support from family and friends also plays a crucial role in the journey to recovery, offering the emotional reinforcement and encouragement needed to navigate challenging times. By fostering a compassionate and understanding environment, we can enhance those affected’s overall well-being and resilience.

5 Symptoms and Signs of Depression in a Friend

Symptoms must last at least two weeks for a diagnosis of depression. These symptoms can include the following:

  1. Mood or behavior changes – A friend with depression might show persistent sadness, hopelessness, or irritability. These mood changes can make them withdraw from activities or people they once enjoyed.
  2. Sleep or appetite changes – Depression can alter sleep patterns—either too much or too little. Similarly, changes in appetite that lead to weight loss or gain are common.
  3. Lack of energy and concentration – A noticeable sign of depression is a drop in energy levels. Your friend might feel constantly tired despite enough rest or struggle to focus on tasks, which can affect their work or academic performance.
  4. Physical symptoms – Depression can also cause physical issues like headaches, stomachaches, and unexplained pains.
  5. Talk of self-harm or suicide – One of the most severe signs is when a friend talks about self-harm or suicide. If they express hopelessness and thoughts of hurting themselves, seek professional help immediately.

If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is available 24/7 at 988.

How Depression Treatment Programs Can Help

Recognizing these signs in a friend is crucial, but understanding how to proceed is equally essential. Northpoint Denver’s treatment programs include:

  • Dual diagnosis treatment – For patients dealing with both substance use disorders and mental health issues, our dual diagnosis treatment addresses both conditions simultaneously, providing a holistic pathway to recovery.
  • Psychiatric care – We offer professional psychiatric care aimed at diagnosing and effectively treating various mental health conditions, including depression. Our board-certified psychiatrists collaborate closely with each patient to tailor a treatment plan that meets their unique needs.
  • Therapeutic support – We help patients develop coping strategies and strengthen their mental health through cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), family therapy, and other evidence-based approaches.

At Northpoint Denver, we offer comprehensive outpatient mental health services designed to address depression alongside any co-occurring conditions.

Connect with Northpoint Denver and Start Depression Treatment in Colorado Today

If you notice these signs of depression in a friend, it’s essential to approach them with empathy, offer your support, and encourage them to seek professional help. At Northpoint Denver, we understand the complexities of mental health challenges and are here to provide the care and support necessary for recovery. Contact our dedicated team online or call 888.315.3998 today to learn more about our outpatient treatment options and how we can assist in your or your friend’s journey toward mental wellness.